Though the movie has a few unexpected moments - just when you’re wondering if it knows it’s throwing Mahi into another woman’s arms, it throws her into another woman’s arms - this show business tell-all doesn’t go much deeper than a fan magazine would and can’t decide whether to titillate or tsk-tsk. This is a world of petty jealousies, where sex is traded for favors, and the hot thing today is old news tomorrow. Bhandarkar throws every bad thing that’s ever happened to a Bollywood actress at poor Mahi, then watches as she squirms, schemes and suffers for 149 minutes. Pulpy but attenuated, “Heroine” tries to do too much: deliver an exposé of the back-stabbing film business while also drawing a portrait of a woman caught in its vice. Stardom is a vale of tears in Madhur Bhandarkar’s “Heroine,” about the ups and downs, and downs and downs of Mahi Arora (Kareena Kapoor), a Bollywood queen with a self-destructive flair for making headlines.